Rated “PG-15”
Resources for Older Teens
The gruesome details, history, and opportunities to remedy the injustices as well as more mature examples of handling the situations well through Literature.
The Cardinal
By Henry Morton Robinson
• Principle: As Catholics, we follow the teachings of Christ and His Church, no matter the cost to ourselves.
• Format: Historical fiction novel about an American priest in the mid 20th century who lives his ministry with fidelity amidst serious challenges regarding contraception, abortion, and sexual morality, among other things (560 pages)
• Recommended Use: Give as a gift to your ~16 year old.
• Order paperback at www.amazon.com/Cardinal-Henry-Morton-Robinson/dp/146830335X
The Hand of God
By Dr. Bernard Nathanson
• Principle: God’s mercy is bigger than any sin; abortionists are human beings
• Format: A deeply personal autobiography in which a former abortionist reveals his journey from being an atheist and passionate abortion crusader to the pro-life cause and Christianity (202 pages)
• Recommended Use: Parent read individually; give as gift to ~16 year old and up.
• Order book from Regnery Publishing: https://www.regnery.com/9781621570448/the-hand-of-god/
A Liberating Conversation About Abortion and Women’s Health
• Principle: Midterm abortions cause breast cancer, psychological problems, and future pregnancy complications.
• Format: Documentary hosted by a self-proclaimed “pro-choice woman” searching for the truth about abortion and its effects (101 minutes)
• Recommended Use: Watch with your teen and peers.
• View trailer and rent or buy film https://projektor.com/u/mightymotionpictures/hushfilm
• Order DVD on HUSH website
Silent Scream
• Principle: Fetuses feel pain during suction abortion
• Format: Documentary narrated by former abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson depicting a first trimester abortion viewed through sonogram (28 minutes)
• Recommended Use: Watch with teens and adults to clarify exactly what a 1st trimester abortion is (ex: before the March for Life).
• Watch video The Silent Scream Full Length | Abortion Should Be Illegal - YouTube
Abortion Procedures.
• Principle: Common 2nd trimester abortion (“Dilation and Evacuation”) rips viable babies apart limb by limb
• Format: Former abortionist Dr. Kathi Aultman explains with animation a 2nd trimester abortion (4 minutes)
• Recommended Use: Watch with teens and adults to clarify exactly what a typical 2nd trimester abortion is. Seize teachable moment with current event federal or state level legislation to stop these abortions.
• Watch video on Abortion Procedures’ website www.abortionprocedures.com/
Why is IVF Wrong?
Featuring Rev. Tadeusz (Tad) Pacholczyk, PhD, Senior Ethicist, National Catholic Bioethics Center
• Principles: The ends don’t justify the means, exclusivity of the marriage, a child’s right to be conceived in his mother’s body, injustice of subjugation of some humans, and more.
• Format: One hour plus Q & A recording of a live on-stage presentation with projected slides and video to enhance explanation of IVF and six moral objections to it.
• Recommended Use: Watch with high school age children for a thorough explanation of IVF. The pace is slow enough to warrant listening at 1.5x speed.
• View video on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/890701945
“Keeping My Promise to America’s Abortion King”
By Terry Beatley of Hosea Initiative
• Principle: Deceptive strategies were used to dupe voters into supporting legalized abortion
• Format: Video recording of Terry Beatley speaking to a live audience on the deceptive strategies used to legalize abortion in America (54 minutes)
• Recommended Use: Watch with teens studying US Government, Modern American History, and current events as a history lesson and to prepare them for conversing intelligently with ill-informed peers etc.
• Watch the lecture on Family Research Council’s website www.frc.org/events/keeping-my-promise-to-americas-abortion-king
When They Say, You Say
By Olivia Gans Turner of American Victims of Abortion
• Principle: Words and body language matter
• Format: Half hour episodes of an EWTN 5 part program in which Pro-life leader who had an abortion speaks to the viewing audience on how to communicate effectively regarding abortion
• Recommended Use: Watch at least Episode 1 with your teen and invite friends over.
• Watch video When They Say, You Say (Key Pro-Life Arguments) by Olivia Gans-Turner (2015) - YouTube
• Order DVD set from EWTN
Students for Life of America
• Principle: Every conversation matters, building a culture of life takes collaboration and support from peers and experts
• Format: Online portal for training, tools and collaboration.
• Recommended Use: Sign up for free membership in Students for Life HQ for online training and networking.
• Learn more about SFLA https://studentsforlife.org/
Annual National Teens for Life Convention
• Principle: Respect for Life from Conception to Natural Death; The pro-life battle is worth getting trained to fight.
• Format: Workshops, lectures, testimonies and activities led by pro-life leaders for pro-life teens from across the country (2 days)
• Recommended Use: Attend the National Right to Life Convention and register your high schooler under “Teens for Life Registration”.
• Register yourself and your teen http://nrlconvention.com/
Annual Pro-Life Summer Camp
• Principle: Get trained and do something about abortion; The pro-life battle needs trained warriors, and it is worth the effort.
• Format: overnight camp for teens to learn from experts, meet like-minded teens, and get motivated to be the pro-life generation (3 days)
• Recommended Use: Send your teen during Summer.
• See info at http://www.prolifecamps.com/
Helping Our Children Navigate Gender Ideology:
The High School Years
by Cana Vox
• Principle: All children have a mother and a father. Fathers and mothers love children differently. Same-sex-attraction does not equal “gay identity.” Many social scripts are depersonalizing. You are worthy of great love.
• Pedagogy: 1. Speak of moral issues in natural law terms, 2. Establish the habit of having private talks with children, 3. Speak age appropriately, and 4. Balance empathy and mercy towards others with truth and justice.
• Format: 44-minute video by Dr. Ana Samuel presenting principles, scenarios, and sample conversations
• Recommended Use: “Better a year too early than 5 minutes too late” (CanaVox) All parents watch video and seize teachable moments.
• View video at
• Order CanaVox booklet Tips for Talking to Your Kids about Sex for age group tips from 2-18: https://canavoxstore.com/products/tips-for-talking-to-your-kids-about-sex but note weak language regarding contraception on page 45.
Sexual Wisdom for Catholic Adolescents
By Richard Wetzel, MD
• Principle: The Catholic Church has a healthy obsession with Jesus Christ, any sexual activity or attitude which does not draw us to Him is disordered.
• Format: A home-based, comprehensive course with 18 chapters and final True/False test and certificate of completion.
• Recommended Use: Parent and child read aloud every other paragraph with your post-puberty teen, after having gone through PUREly YOU and Theology of the Body for Teens. Aim for completing 2 chapters a week, in order to complete the course in 9 weeks (the equivalent of 1 Quarter of school, or a Summer session).
• Order paperback at https://www.amazon.com/Sexual-Wisdom-Catholic-Adolescents-Richard/dp/0979540216
Pro-life Rosary Intentions
By Priests for Life
• Principle: Go to God for healing and reparation of abortion related sins
• Format: Short meditations and abortion directed intentions for each mystery of the Rosary
• Recommended Use: Use during family Rosary, especially in October (Pro-life Month) and during the 40 Days for Life.
• View and Print Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious texts: https://www.priestsforlife.org/prayers/Rosary.aspx
©2023 Elizabeth Crnkovich, Theresa Crnkovich, Rev. Christopher Pollard.
All Rights Reserved. For information on reprints please contact:
Printed with Permission by St. John the Beloved Catholic Church, 6420 Linway Terrace, McLean, VA 22101