Facilitator Guide
Ahead of Time
See Sample Event Schedule for what a typical event looks like.
Hold an information meeting for parents.
a. Use the Video Sampler to demonstrate one or more topic video programs.
b. Demonstrate one or more of the accompanying role-playing scripts Abortion Basics || Abortion Industry || Gender Identity || Same Sex Attraction
c. Highlight a resource from one of the additional resource lists. Abortion Basics || Abortion Industry || Gender Identity || Same-Sex Attraction (e.g. Open Standing with You and enter a zip code to show pregnancy services anywhere in the country)
d. Ask for volunteers: small group leaders, registration, food, tech assistant. See “How to Recruit Strong Volunteers”
Train Small Group Leaders: See Small Group Leader Guide
Publicize: Follow Sample Planning Time-line for publicity, etc.
At the Event
Follow the Sample Event Schedule.
Consider asking someone to watch the clock to remain on track.
Ask for feedback using an optional feedback survey.
Service Project:
Consider organizing a service project, such as a Project Rachel Spiritual Bouquet.
Teacher Guide
Ahead of Time (Optional Steps Before Pressing Play)
Schedule either 2 hour blocks or 1 hour blocks on sequential days, allowing at least one week in between each topic.
Depending on students' age, alert parents to the program content. Encourage parents in their unique duty to cover education about bodies and procreation. Recommended Resources: Cana Vox Tips, Chastity: A Guide for Teens & Young Adults, PUREly YOU!, Theology of the Body for Teens, Sexual Wisdom for Catholic Adolescents, The Birds and Bees Online Program
Refresh listening skills with "Validation" by Michael Sorensen:
a. At a minimum, watch from 21:20 to 29:48
Abortion Basics: Communication
b. Ideally, the full video:
Validation: The Most Powerful Communication Skill You Were Never Taught by Michael Sorensen
Preview video, scripts, and resources to be featured:
Videos: Abortion Basics Teen, Abortion Basics Mature || Abortion Industry || Gender Identity || Same-Sex Attraction
Scripts: Abortion Basics || Abortion Industry || Gender Identity || Same-Sex Attraction
Resources: Abortion Basics || Abortion Industry || Gender Identity || Same-Sex Attraction
Arrange for video equipment and consider downloading the video program to a thumb drive.
Print out role playing materials (review of key principles and scripted scenarios) for the featured topic.
During Class Time
After introducing the topic, press play from the Tough Topics website (remember that to click on the Rumble icon to expand and watch in full screen.)
Enjoy the role playing. Follow advice in Small Group Leader Guide.
Small Group Leader Guide
Ahead of Time
Watch "Validation" by Michael Sorensen:
a. At a minimum, watch from 21:27 to 29:55 Abortion Basics: Communication
b. Ideally, the full video: Validation: The Most Powerful Communication Skill You Were Never Taught by Michael Sorensen
Watch Featured Topic Video Program:
Abortion Basics (Teen Version // Mature Version) || Abortion Industry || Gender Identity || Same-Sex Attraction
Read Through Featured Topic Scripted Scenarios:
Abortion Basics || Abortion Industry || Gender Identity || Same-Sex Attraction
Read Through Featured Topic Resource List:
Abortion Basics || Abortion Industry || Gender Identity || Same-Sex Attraction
In the Small Group
Make sure your participants know your and each others’ names.
Explain Goal & Format:
Each teen will get a chance to play the “You” role in each scenario in front of the group. The Small Group Leader plays the other voice.
Review Important Principles Aloud:
See page 1 of each Program Material package.
Role-Play: Call on Teens one at a time to come up front. Read or assign a narrator to read the scenario description paragraph. Alternate scenarios for variety.
Welcome Everyone’s Contributions:
The scripts are based on true stories. They are conversation starters and for practice for encounters that will be different but include similar vocabulary and listening skills. Make it clear that everyone’s experiences and opinions are valued; encourage participants to share without fear of judgement.
When a teen has a question you can either answer it right then or ask them to write it down for the Question Box to be answered by the Facilitator.
Active Listening:
Pause as needed during Role-playing to offer proper attention to reactions and concerns.
Redirect Gently:
Steer the group back to the scripts so that everyone gets a chance to practice articulating the truth with compassion.
Parent Guide
Ahead of Time
Preview Videos:
Press play and at least listen as you would a podcast to familiarize yourself with the videos.Cover the Basics about Bodies & Procreation:
Scroll down for some helpful resources.
Doing a Program (3 Options)
One on one:
Seize a Teachable Moment and press play. Then act out the scripts with your teen.
In Home Small Group:
Invite friends for an in-home Tough Topics night! Give a demo using the Tough Topics Video Sampler or run a full topic.Attend a Nearby Event:
Register your child for an event in your area, and accompany them if possible.
Explore Additional Resources:
Abortion Basics || Abortion Industry || Gender Identity || Same Sex AttractionService Project:
Consider organizing or volunteering for a service project, such as a Project Rachel Spiritual Bouquet.
Prerequisite: Some sex ed covered by parents.
Helpful sex ed resources: Cana Vox Tips, PUREly YOU!, Theology of the Body for Teens, Sexual Wisdom for Catholic Adolescents, The Birds and Bees Online Program
See other age appropriate recommendations in Raising Children of Light.
Teen Guide
Ahead of Time
Come open to learning something new
Come assured that questions are worth asking
At the Event
Take some notes during the video
Ask or anonymously submit questions
Enjoy the role-play
Seize moments to help friends
Pray (consider being part of a Project Rachel Spiritual Bouquet).
Printable Resources:
Gathering Your Team
How to Recruit Strong Volunteers
Implementing Tough Topics
Publicity Aids
Helpful Items
Sample Tough Topics Session Survey
Printable Facilitators Guide with Linked Documents includes all documents listed above.