Rated “PG” 

Resources for Grades 4 Through 6


Continuation of the positive, especially through Literature. Medicine for saving life; Overcoming all challenges with God in a deep spiritual life. Beginning Logic. Preparing for Puberty.


The Mitchells: Five for Victory

by Hilda Van Stockum

• Principle: Joy of childhood; the difference love can make in a person’s life; the children are selfless

• Format: Chapter book story, based on author’s life in DC, 1940s (236 pages)

• Recommended use: Read aloud to child chapter by chapter, and independent reading.

• Order book and sequels from Bethlehem Books https://bethlehembooks.com/series/mitchells-series


By Gene Stratton Porter

• Principle: Stewardship of nature and beauty; inherent dignity of orphans and the disabled

• Format: Novel set in America, early 1900s; mystery, adventure, and romance (211 pages)

• Recommended Use: Read aloud to whole family; independent reading for children 12 and up. Some encounters with crime, mystery solving, and a fire tragedy.

• Order book, Kindle, or Audiobook


Little Britches: Father and I Were Ranchers

By Ralph Moody

• Principles: Resilience of family; hard case: mother of several children suddenly widowed, no insurance, savings etc; entrepreneurship

• Format: Autobiographical chapter book (260 pages)

• Recommended Use: Read aloud to whole family, independent reading when child is ready for sad death of father. Sequel Man of the Family is also highly recommended.

• Order novel or Little Britches Series from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Little-Britches-Father-Were-Ranchers/dp/0803281781

Littlest Suffering Souls:

Children Whose Short Lives Point Us to Christ

By Austin Ruse

• Principle: Hard cases; value of every human life; Down-syndrome, severe medical complications, relationship with Jesus during childhood

• Format: Narration of inspiring stories of children including one St. John the Beloved Parish family story, Margaret Leo (130 pages)

• Recommended Use: Read aloud to children 7 years or older.

• Order book from TAN https://tanbooks.com/products/books/miracles/saints/littlest-suffering-souls-children-whose-short-lives-point-us-to-christ/ 

The Winged Watchman

By Hilda van Stockum

• Principle: Love for neighbor; welcoming strangers; adopting babies at risk.

• Format: Historical fiction chapter book taking place during WWII in Holland; Gentle introduction to Nazi themes (191 pages)

• Recommended Use: Read aloud to whole family; independent reading.

• Order novel from Bethlehem Books https://bethlehembooks.com/winged-watchman-ad-719?sku=7-P


Brought to Life: National Geographic’s The Womb

Music by Roy Shakked

• Principle: Fetology

• Format: Video of fertilization and embryo growth filmed by a fetoscope from National Geographic’s In the Womb, set to dramatic instrumental music (4 minutes)

• Recommended Use: Show to children about 3rd or 4th grade when beginning to learn life sciences.

• Watch https://vimeo.com/56742451

Newborn 3 Month Miracle Baby

• Principle: Viability of second trimester babies, life support technology, dedication of parents

• Format: Dad’s home video of hospital visits. Baby son born 3 months early, connected to life support - surviving and thriving (6 minutes)

• Recommended Use: Watch with children 10 years or older; infant on life support images can be startling to some children. Seize teachable moment when pregnancy, childbirth, medical technology, or abortion comes up.

• Watch short video https://youtu.be/64WkN17WeJw

A Basic Guide to When a Human Being Begins and the Science Behind the Facts

By Contend Project


• Principle: Life begins at the beginning of the fertilization process.

• Format: Magazine-sized textbook sharing essential scientific facts about human embryonic development in an accessible manner (30 pages)

• Recommended Use: Ask child, “When did your life begin?” and show them the chart here: https://contendprojects.org/the-science/carnegie-stages/.

• Recommended Re-Use: Review again at around age 15 or during high school biology.

• Buy Softcover book or ebook at www.contendprojects.org/the-science/the-science-guide/

• Learn more about the project at their website. www.contendprojects.org/

Dear Future Mom

By World Down Syndrome Day

• Principle: Dignity of children with Down Syndrome

• Format: children with Downs explaining that they can live a happy life (2 ½ minutes)

• Recommended Use: Show when children ask about birth defects.

• Watch


The Art of Accompaniment

By the Little Sisters of the Poor

• Principle: Dignity of and care for the elderly and the dying.

• Format: video narrated by a Little Sister of the Poor with still images from their homes (19 minutes)

• Recommended Use: Show before visiting a nursing home or before an elderly relative moves into your home.

• Watch https://littlesistersofthepoor.org/resources/videos/

Ten Universal Principles:

A Basic Primer on Respect for Human Life

By Healing the Culture


• Principle: Humans need to use reason based on a correct understanding of happiness

• Format: A list of 10 fundamental truths of philosophy to guide personal and social/legislative decisions

• Recommended Use: Read through the handout as your child approaches the age of reason, then read with and explain to your child whenever a child asks “Why?” Take this to your parish youth minister and ask for it and related programs to be incorporated into the youth program.

• Recommended Re-Use: Review again around age 15.

• View and print pdf www.healingtheculture.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Ten_Principles_Flyer_Mar2016.pdf

• Browse the website for more resources and great programs, especially the “Robert and Emma” dramatic reading. 


PUREly YOU! Growing God’s Way

• Principle: Pre-puberty sex education

• Format: Multimedia lessons: video (18 minutes) and conversation guide book (31 pages); available for either boys or girls, in English or Spanish

• Recommended Use: Read the separate “Parent Guide” (34 pages) and then use the Conversation Guide as a script before your child reaches puberty; watch included video.

• Buy set at https://stgeorgebooks.com/pages/purely-you

The Birds and the Bees Online Course

by Mary Flo Ridley & Megan Michelson

• Principle: Parental privilege and duty to train one’s children in sexual beauty and boundaries

• Format: ten 3-13 minute videos plus a 40-page Discussion Guide. Topics include: Creating a family message about sex, using respectful vocabulary, the story of birth, protecting our kids from pornography, reproduction - seeds & eggs, explaining conception, practical ways to continue the conversation, and FAQ

• Recommended Use: Parents watch videos, read the Discussion Qs, and initiate and seize teachable moments.

• Purchase from https://birds-bees.com/

Helping Our children Navigate Gender Ideology: The Elementary Years

by Cana Vox

• Principle: All children have a mother and a father. Fathers and mothers love children differently

• Pedagogy: 1. Speak of moral issues in natural law terms, 2. Establish the habit of having private talks with children, and 3. Speak age appropriately.

• Format: 25-minute video by Dr. Samuel presenting principles, scenarios, and sample conversations

• Recommended Use: “Better a year too early than 5 minutes too late” (CanaVox) All parents watch video and seize teachable moments.

View video at https://canavox.com/videos/helping-our-children-navigate-gender-ideology-the-elementary-yearsmature/

Mother’s Little Helper

• Principles: We are fearfully and wonderfully made. The Facts of Life for growing daughters and sons.

• Format: Twelve heart-to heart talks, about four pages each, of a mother to her daughter. The books are divided into three age groups: 9-12, 12-14, 14-16, with four talks per group.

• Recommended Use: When your daughter or son is between 9-12 set aside about 30 minutes of one-on-one time with her for the first “talk.” Look ahead, so that when you read aloud, you adjust the wording to suit your own conversation style. Ask your child for questions about that talk.

• Purchase separately or as a set at Angelus Press: https://angeluspress.org/products/set-listen-son-mothers-little-helper


Scriptural Rosary App for Android

By Joe Meineke

• Format: Features audio recordings of students from the Catholic Franciscan University of Steubenville with classic holy card images. A passage of scripture is read prior to each Hail Mary which helps us to dive deeper into the mysteries of the rosary as we ponder our Lord's birth, life, death and resurrection.

• Recommended Use: Hand out blank paper and drawing/coloring tools and invite children to illustrate a mystery while listening to the Scriptural meditations via this App. The App is especially useful when you need help staying on track. Many people use this at night before they go to bed, or listen/pray along while they are in their cars or on-the-go. Just launch, press play and pray!

• Download from Google Play

Holy Rosary-Scriptural Edition

By Joe Meineke

• Format: Features audio recordings of students from the Catholic Franciscan University of Steubenville with classic holy card images. A passage of scripture is read prior to each Hail Mary which helps us to dive deeper into the mysteries of the rosary as we ponder our Lord's birth, life, death and resurrection.

• Recommended Use: Hand out blank paper and drawing/coloring tools and invite children to illustrate a mystery while listening to the Scriptural meditations via this App. The App is especially useful when you need help staying on track. Many people use this at night before they go to bed, or listen/pray along while they are in their cars or on-the-go.  Just launch, press play and pray!

• Download from iTunes Store

©2023 Elizabeth Crnkovich, Theresa Crnkovich, Rev. Christopher Pollard.

All Rights Reserved. For information on reprints please contact:



Printed with Permission by St. John the Beloved Catholic Church, 6420 Linway Terrace, McLean, VA 22101